[GPSCC-chat] San Mateo request

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 17 20:57:38 PDT 2010

Here is an email I received from Sanda Everett.
She is asking for help with Green Focus pickup
at the next general assembly.

Dear Santa Clara Greens,
I went to the Alameda Greens event.  It was quite pleasant and inspiring 
somebody being dragged down by the infighting of the National Committee. 

I did "video" Laura and put it on YouTube.  Do we still call it video 
when it is all digital....
and in this case taken with my iPhone.  I put it up on our San Mateo 
which I have taken over the responsibility for updating.  Feedback?

I wonder which of you are planning to attend the plenary in Fullerton 
next month? 
Any of you driving?  If so, could you bring back a couple of bundles of 
Green Focus for us. 
I will pay for them.  I am not planning to drive.

Sanda Everette, cochair GPCA delegation to GPUS

It is better to vote for what you want and not get it than
to vote for what you don't want and get it.

Eugene V. Debs

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