[Sosfbay-discuss] What do Santa Clara and Brooklyn have in common?

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Wed Jan 6 08:14:06 PST 2010


      Doing Damage by Doing What Isn't Needed

/The Cleveland Leader/

Columnist and watchdog Roldo Bartimole uses Bruce Ratner's 
subsidy-soaked Atlantic Yards megaproject as the mascot for one of the 
major things that has been ailing Cleveland:

    Forest City Enterprises Al Ratner once bragged to me about how many
    federal subsidies he has been able to get for projects all over the
    U. S.

    This Brooklyn project is soaked in subsidies, not unusual for these
    unnecessary projects. This one, as others, includes a new arena for
    a Ratner family professional sports team.

    *Isn’t it wonderful that all over the nation we are spending
    billions of dollars to provide work places for multi-millionaire
    owners and millionaire sports players while so many ordinary people
    have no access to a paying job?*

article <http://www.clevelandleader.com/node/12521>

/NoLandGrab: To Bartimole's point, unnecessary projects like Atlantic 
Yards require massive public subsidies in order to make it off the 
drawing board./

/If Atlantic Yards, the densest and largest single-source private 
project in the history of NYC, were such a good idea, then the free 
marketplace could support it. It's not, so Bruce Ratner has to get the 
City, State and Federal governments to chip in with direct cash 
subsidies, eminent domain and tax breaks./

Posted by lumi at January 6, 2010 7:13 AM

"Anytime you have an opportunity to make things better
 and you don't,
 then you are wasting your time on this Earth" Roberto Clemente

Wes Rolley
17211 Quail Court, Morgan Hill, CA 95037
http://www.refpub.com/ -- Tel: 408.778.3024

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