[GPSCC-chat] holiday peace fair

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Sat Oct 16 11:03:32 PDT 2010

We have committed to be there,
namely a check for $40 has been or is being sent
to the promoters.

As participants we have some obligations:

Noitifying the sponsors and putting the check in the mail hae been done.

Sending a representative to the planning meeting to be held at
10 AM on Saturday, November 6.  The 11/6 meeting will probably at the CUMC -
the Campbell United Methodist Church.

OF "STAGE MANAGER" -- to coordinate the entertainment groups on the day 
of the fair. 
Please think about people in your group and try to find someone who 
could do that job.

Each group is required to donate at least one item for sale at the
dessert table (chocolate items and pies of any kind are very popular).

Other things that need to be done 12/4: 

8-9 AM (setting up tables),
helping for an hour or more at the entrance table
and/or the desserts table through the 10 AM - 4 PM open hours,
and clean-up of the general space from 4-5:30 PM
(in addition to helping to clear your group's table).

Pick up flyers and tickets at the Peace and Justice center.
Distribute said flyers and sell said tickets ($2)

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