Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Thu Oct 28 11:46:33 PDT 2010


Anyone know what UNDRIP stands for?  I learned about it during
my global warming class.  It is the "United Nations Declaration
on the Rights of Indigenous People", passed recently by the UN.
Indigenous people are more vulnerable to global warming.
(For eaxmple: the Inuits losing homes on melting permafrost in
Alaska.  For example: the Polynesians losing homes, islands,
and countries in the Pacific.)

It is in the news (somewhat) because The Obama Administration
is considering endorsing it.

It is estimated that there are about 370,000,000 indigenous
people worldwide.  That's more than the population of the US.

For more info:

News item from the Inter Press Service

 From the Indian Law Resource Center:
(It includes an easy way of sending an "email" to Obama.)


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