[GPSCC-chat] Fwd: RE: [scv_crfg] Prusch Park Rangers

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Mon Jun 13 13:57:56 PDT 2011

A sanitized version of an email I received today on a list from the 
California Rare Fruit Growers, Silicon Valley Chapter.

It should be of interest to all San Jose Greens as well.

-------- Original Message --------
RE: [scv_crfg] Prusch Park Rangers
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 16:22:35 -0400 (EDT)

The main issue is that there will not be any people available to stop: 
fights, gambling, grafiti, vandalism, smoking and other behaviors that 
make visiting our City parks scray.  The importance of a pleasant and 
safe environment for all park visitors at ALL san jose parks is whats at 
stake here.  When someone gets hurt, lost or injured, it is the Rangers 
that take care of things.  This new rule will apply to all city parks, 
Alum Rock for example has different issues than Prusch, as does 
Overfelt, Guadalupe, etc.   Someone bit by a snake in Alum Rock will he 
on their own as will the child that falls off a swing at Prusch.
Park maintenance staff will still be around weekdays, but there will be 
not one to enforce the rules that make our parks so special. Staff has 
been reduced at all Parks, leaving office staff to handle an 
unreasonable amount of problems along with their regular duties.  If the 
Ranger Program is eliminated we can expect more thefts, more damage to 
are gardens and orchards, more grafiti and more conflicts.
I hope this helps everyone understand what is at stake.  Thanks for 
contacting your council person if you cant attend the meeting and talk.  
Call them and/or the mayors office today.  Thanks
1.*Contact YOUR City Government TODAY*
Mayor Chuck Reed, 408-535-4800,mayoremail at sanjoseca. gov
District 1, Pete Constant, 408-535-4901, District1 at sanjoseca.gov
District 2, Ash Kaira, 408-535-4902, District2 at sanjoseca.gov
District 3, Sam Liccardo, 408-535-4903, District3 at sanjoseca.gov
District 4, Kansen Chu, 408-535-4904, District4 at sanjoseca.gov
District 5, Xavier Campos, 408-535-4905, District5 at sanjoseca.gov 
<mailto:District5 at sanjoseca.gov>
District 6, Pierluigi Oliverio, 408-535-4906, District6 at sanjoseca.gov 
<mailto:District6 at sanjoseca.gov>
District 7, Vice Mayor Madison Nguyen, 408-535-4907, 
District7 at sanjoseca.gov <mailto:District7 at sanjoseca.gov>
District 8, Rose Herrera, 408-535-4908, rose.herrera at sanjoseca.gov 
<mailto:rose.herrera at sanjoseca.gov>
District 9, Donald Rocha, 408-535-4909, District9 at sanjoseca.gov 
<mailto:District9 at sanjoseca.gov>
District 10, Nancy Pyle, 408-535-4910, District10 at sanjoseca.gov

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