[GPSCC-chat] agenda item

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jun 23 16:36:33 PDT 2012

Here is an email I received from Carol Brouillet

I'll be coming to the meeting and I will also be going to the 
Continental Congress 2.0 gathering in Philadelphia, at the same time as 
the national Occupy Gathering, to come up with a list of grievances to 
present to the government.  The California Delegation is supposed to 
come up with our ten top grievances and I'd like some feedback from the 
Green Party, if anyone has inclination or time for their feedback on 
those.  A list could be found at 
.  I'll post something to the Green Party List, but if I could have five 
minutes to get a sense of what people think should be the high priority 
grievances, I'd appreciate it. (If Congress takes no action to respond 
to the grievances, supposedly those who want to replace them in 2014 
would take them up- or perhaps those who champion them in the upcoming 
2012 election, might get elected...

Carol Brouillet

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