[GPSCC-chat] Fwd: Media week in review: Week of October 9-15

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 15 16:11:51 PDT 2012

The Joel Stein article is funny.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Media week in review: Week of October 9-15
Date: 	Mon, 15 Oct 2012 20:28:16 +0000
From: 	Jill Stein for President <HQ at JillStein.org>
To: 	Gerald Gras <gerrygras at earthlink.net>

     Media week in review: Week of October 9-15

*It's been another great week in the media for the Jill Stein for
President campaign*, with Jill Stein making appearances in the
Washington Post, the Guardian, CNN, and Time Magazine, while running
mate Cheri Honkala made a splash with her response to the VP debate in

Read on for highlights from the week, and at the end, we've included the
Time Magazine article in full, written by humorist Joel Stein. Read it
for a good laugh!

*guardian_logo.jpg*The Guardian: Give us a mandate for what America
needs: a Green New Deal
Under the New Deal of the 1930s, unemployment rates were substantially
reduced, and millions of jobs were created. For this reason, I propose a
Green New Deal for the 2010s, which – unlike the doomed-to-fail
proposals of Obama and Romney – is proven to work.


Post: Jill Stein responds to five key debate questions

Jill Stein spoke with the Washington Post's Brook Silva-Braga about her
responses to five key questions from the first presidential debate.

Louisville Courier-Journal: Without debate invite, Green candidate Cheri
Honkala tours Kentucky
Green Party vice presidential candidate Cheri Honkala, a formerly
homeless woman who became a single mother as a teenager, has driven
around Kentucky this week to talk about a national issue that she said
received little attention in the debate: the growing number of Americans
living in extreme poverty.


Today: Cheri Honkala's response to the VP debate
Poor, working and middle income families will pay much less in taxes,
while the very rich, major corporations, Wall Street and polluters will
pay more. But tax policies are only a part of the picture. We have to
look at where we as a society invest our resources. Do we fund education
or prison? War or employment?


The other Presidential debate
Don Lemon of CNN interviewed Jill Stein and Libertarian Party nominee
Gary Johnson for the "other" Presidential debate.

     Time: Meet the Green Party's meal ticket

/Time MagazineThe Jill Stein for President campaign recently held a
contest for supporters to meet Time Magazine humor columnist Joel Stein
to talk politics over lunch in Los Angeles. Read on for Joel Stein's
column about his lunch with Green Party member Harrison Wills:/

Last month, I got an e-mail from Beyonce Knowles titled "I don't usually
email you," which I erased immediately since it seemed like the kind of
thing my lovely wife Cassandra could see and then we'd be in a fight
where I'd be yelling "I've never even met Beyonce!" with an unconvincing
smirk on my face because, no matter how much friction it would cause in
our marriage, I couldn't help wanting someone to think I'm sleeping with

Beyonce--who, again, I've never so much as drunkenly made out with at a
nightclub--was letting me know that if I donated $5 or more to Barack
Obama, I'd enter a raffle for a flight, hotel and night partying with
her, Jay-Z and the President.

It makes sense that Americans would pay to meet celebrities at an event
that the President also happened to be at and where the money happened
to be used to help decide the leader of the free world. That event
raised $6 million; a dinner with Sarah Jessica Parker got Obama $2
million; a lottery for a dinner at George Clooney's pulled in $9
million; dinner with Michael Jordan netted $3 million; Mitt Romney's
appearances with the Donald (Trump) raked in $2 million. Which made me
realize that auctioning yourself off for a candidate is a great way to
get the kind of free publicity that makes people think you're really

So I called Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, and told her campaign
they could raffle off lunch with me. I chose Stein partly because I
figured the two main parties wouldn't call me back and mostly because I
thought the raffle might cause people to confuse our names and think I'm
the Green Party presidential candidate, which would boost my Hollywood

The Green Party sent an e-mail to 2,300 local supporters. I addressed it
"Dear Person Who Cares Deeply About Others" and promised a lunch for the
winner and a guest at the most expensive restaurant they could find,
knowing that even the most expensive kale salad isn't that expensive. I
promised "to listen to you ranting on and on about the corrupt American
political system without interrupting you." Forty-five people donated,
adding nearly $2,000 to the $515,000 Stein had raised, which,
percentagewise, makes me a better celebrity draw than Sarah Jessica
Parker. When I asked Stein who Green Party loyalists would have been
most excited about--figuring she'd say Al Gore or Ed Begley Jr.--she
said, "Gisele Bundchen." That is likely because Bundchen has a line of
flip-flops to raise money for the rain forest, has planted more than
50,000 trees in Brazil and has fantastic breasts.

Stein, a Harvard-educated doctor who has had a tough time running as a
Green candidate for other offices, said she was enjoying this race,
which she entered Dick Cheney--style after being on the party's search
committee. "We're going to win this race," she told me. "We're either
going to win it by winning the office or win it by winning the day." I
did not know exactly what that meant, but I was proud to be part of it.

Since the Obama winners weren't selected entirely by chance (the
campaign chose from 50 randomly drawn names), the Green Party likewise
handpicked Harrison Wills, the president of the student body at Santa
Monica College in California, who had donated $5. To pay for school,
Wills started Naturally Harrison, which sells locally made organic
mattresses. Wills' lunch choice was Thai Vegan, where the menu tops out
at $7. The Beyonce fundraiser for Obama featured a 350-bottle tower of
Armand de Brignac at $300 a pop. Net-worth-percentage-wise, I was paying
more for my fundraiser than Beyonce.

Wills, 27, had no idea who I was. "But I can't tell you how important I
think investigative journalism is," he said. A bit later he asked, "Do
you do investigative journalism?" I don't think Wills got his five
bucks' worth despite being $2 up on the pad thai.

We had a great conversation while eating vegan food on a picnic table
overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I learned a lot about some really good
educational and electoral reforms in Finland. Wills was incredibly
charismatic, using my name a lot and pounding his fists as he got
excited about improving our country, our planet and humanity. "I'm not
just going to throw bricks. I'm going to build community gardens," he
said. This was a man who cared so deeply, he truly believed those were
his only two options.

I left our meeting hopeful, energized about the democratic process and
full without any kind of heavy, bloated feeling. And, most important, I
got the student-body president of Santa Monica College to read one of my


/Please take an immediate step by making a donation:

Authorized and paid for by Jill Stein for President
PO Box 260217, Madison, WI 53726-0217

Jill Stein for President · United States
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