[GPSCC-chat] Daniel Ellsberg: Defeat Romney

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 19 00:27:01 PDT 2012

Food for thought...

I have a lot of respect for Daniel Ellsberg,
the man who, at great personal risk, released
the Pentagon Papers to the world.

He has written an article
"Defeat Romney, Without Illusions about Obama"
"Advice to progressives in swing states, vote for reelection"

and, according to Ellsberg, (paragraph 9 in this article),
Chomsky is of similar mind.

I personally am so angry at the Democrats for
all they have done, that I can't see me voting
for Obama, even if I was in a swing state.
But I have had the luxury of not being in a swing
state, so never really confronted the issue.

I still think the lesser of two evils is still

I still think that continuing to vote the lesser
of two evils is a good cop / bad cop trap.

I still want IRV and/or PR.

But out of respect for Ellsberg, and so that we
are aware of the argument(s), I suggest that you
read the article:

"Defeat Romney, Without Illusions about Obama"
"Advice to progressives in swing states, vote for reelection"

Please note that he did NOT say "Vote for Obama".

I'd like to know what people think.

And I'd also like to know what Greens in the swing
states think.

At times like this, I am grateful we have an electoral
college, because we have the luxury of being in a non
swing state.  Oops, I take that back.  Gore might have
been elected in 2000 if we did not have an electoral
college.  And does anyone know what the polls say
about the popular vote difference between Romney and


P.S. Doesn't Ellsberg live in California?  And Chomsky
lives in Massachusetts.  Both non swing states.  So
maybe they are like Michael Moore in 2000.  He went to
Florida to tell them to vote for Gore because Florida
was a swing state.

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