[GPSCC-chat] Fwd: [350 SV Chat] In support of vigorous national climate action

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 24 13:34:58 PDT 2013



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[350 SV Chat] In support of vigorous national climate action
Date: 	Mon, 24 Jun 2013 15:00:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: 	Barbf53 at aol.com
To: 	Barbf53 at aol.com

         This petition was posted yesterday on the official White House
         site, "We /the/ People."  With 150,000 signatures in the next
         month, not only will we get an official White House response, we
         will also demonstrate widespread support for strong and urgent
         climate action.  Please consider signing and helping it go viral.

Barbara Fukumoto


   Declare War on Carbon and use Executive Powers to focus the US' fight
   against Climate Change as part of "World War C."

Climate Change is the greatest threat to our security, our children's
future and global stability since World War II. We have already lost
lives and suffered huge economic impacts with Katrina and Sandy, which
cost the US over $100 Billion, record droughts, flooding, tornadoes,
fires, crop losses and much, much more.

The US has responded militarily to provocations much less threatening,
even putting our nation into debt to secure our safety. Yet, climate
change threatens mankind's survival on the planet. Ot her nations are
already taking emergency actions.

The U.S. can organize and lead the global attack against this threat
using our military, industry, entrepreneurs and all resources at the
disposal of the President. Nothing less will do, if we want to save our
children's future.

*Created:* June 23, 2013

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