[GPSCC-chat] Syrian Rebels Admit That THEY Were Responsible For Chemical Weapons Use In August 2013

Drew RainbeauFriend at rRiseUp.net
Tue Sep 3 08:06:10 PDT 2013

Gerry and all, we have been thoroughly trained to consider only the most highly controlled sources as "credible". "Credible" is one of those words and concepts that The Empire's domination system utilizes to get us to internalize their control mechanisms. They don't need to use such crude techniques as the Nazis and Soviets did when they have us doing their work so effectively for them.  They set the criteria for what is "credible" and then simply encourage well meaning folks to apply their criteria for them. They don't need to physically infiltrate our groups because they've already invaded our mindset.  

"Conspiracy theory" is another of their fav concepts. In actual reality they are the ones who conspire readily to create incidents to provide pretexts to do whatever they'd preplanned to do. Just consider this: who has more incentive to use gas, the U.S./Israeli proxy forces (who would very much benefit from their sponsor's direct intervention), or the Syrian government? Hell, gas is not even an effective military weapon, only good for terror tactics. So the U.S. is trying to tell us that the Syrian government are so foolish that they would ignore common sense to wave a red flag in front of the U.S. Yeah right.

Everyone, I beg you to please carefully rethink how you are doing the work of The Empire for it. Stop and think.

Green makes sense!


John Thielking <pagesincolor at yahoo.com> wrote:
>Ok, so the news source is a bit new.  The reporters who wrote the
>original source article are mentioned in the bio at the end of the
>article.  One is a student and the other is a regular reporter with a
>masters degree who writes for major news outlets.  But as far as fact
>checking goes, you might want to examine the following photograph that
>has been waived around by John Kerry as "evidence" of a major chemical
>weapons attack in Syria. It turns out that it is actually from Iraq
>circa 2003.
>The post I got this from off of Facebook is located here:
>The caption on Facebook reads:
>Photography by hamde abu rahma .
>Like This Page · 10 hours ago 
>So, Secretary of State John Kerry referenced this photograph when 
>making his speech today, trying to drive home how awful the Syrian 
>chemical attack was as he tried to convince us why we should go to war.
>One problem. The picture isn't even from Syria. It's from Iraq in 2003.
>The photographer, Marco di Lauro, said he nearly "fell off his chair" 
>when he saw it was being used to promote a war in Syria. It's getting 
>pretty disturbing to see how far our politicians, both Republican and 
>Democrat, are willing to go to drum up support for a war nobody wants.
>Of course it is hard to know the veracity of a posting on Facebook, but
>it is either that or rely on the drivel from CNN or the not too
>detailed rebuttals available on rt.com, which rarely touches on these
>John Thielking
> From: Gerry Gras <gerrygras at earthlink.net>
>To: John Thielking <pagesincolor at yahoo.com>; Greens Discussion List
><sosfbay-discuss at cagreens.org>; Donna Wallach
><palestineis at dslextreme.com> 
>Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 2:42 PM
>Subject: Re: [GPSCC-chat] Syrian Rebels Admit That THEY Were
>Responsible For Chemical Weapons Use In August 2013
>The examiner article referred to a Minnesota article.
>It took a while to get through to the Minnesota article,
>but with patience I finally did:
>I wonder about the credibility of a news source I have
>never heard of.  So I did some searching for info about
>Mint Press News.  I have not found anything conclusive
>but here's some info about MintPress News:
>Some things I observed.  It's supposed to be progressive.
>It has a special interest in the Middle East.  It's
>about 2 years old.  I have not found any info about who's
>funding it.
>I noticed that the CJR page mentioned a "Mnar Muhawesh",
>but the "About Us" page of the MPN does not.  So I did a
>search for "Mnar Muhawesh" and found:
>(The Star Tribune item is about the effect of 9/11 on Minneapolis
>area people, including Mnar Muhawesh.  Apparently it increased
>her interest in Islam.)
>John Thielking wrote:
>> See:
>> for more information. Thanks.
>> John Thielking
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