[GPSCC-chat] Risks to Internet?

Brian Good snug.bug at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 15 15:50:29 PDT 2013

Since the internet started as a DARPA. project, the intel community had all this planned
out years before we even began to think about it--being able to link people through email,
website visits, and even voluntary social networking.

I have long suspected that Larry Silverstein's famous "pull it" remark about his World Trade
Center 7 skyscraper was a deliberately ambiguous remark intended to infect the internet 
with a meme that would allow Isreali intrelligence to track who was spreading it and who
believed it.   Stupid bigots like Dr. Kevin Barrett stepped in the poo Big Time, and then tracked 
it all over the carpets of their internet friends.

The "Dancing Israelis" stunt had a similar effect.  Bigots regard the fact that Mossad agents 
went to the moon to get themselves arrested after demonstrating foreknowledge of the 
9/11 plot as proof that the Mossad did the plot.  It's ridiculous.  There was a "picture van"
stopped a few blocks from the Security Command HQ on 9/11 that had on it a picture of an 
airliner attacking Manhattan.  Do fools like Barrett honestly believe that Mossad agents in a
burst of enthusiasm painted a mural on a van to prove that they (the Mossad) did 9/11?
Obviously the Mossad wanted to get their foreknowledge into the public record so as to 
underscore the fact that they warned the US authorities before 9/11, even naming names
of alleged 9/11 ringleaders, pilots, and hijackers.

The 9/11 Truth movement has long been plagued by well-financed "friends" like Barrett who 
have accomplished little but to make us look really really stupid.  Most of the credible people 
have dropped out of the movement.

It's a shame, because at its heart the truth movement is these undeniable facts:

1.  The 9/11 widows' 300 questions got 27 answers, 73 non-answer reponses, and 300 

2.  The scientific reports from NIST cut off their analysis at the moment the towers began to
collapse, thus failing to fulfil their number one objective of explaining "why and how" the 
towers collapsed.   Truncating their report they are able to dodge TEN essential mysteries of
the collapses:

a, b, c Symmetry, totality, and speed of collapse
d The arrested rotation of the top of WTC2, contrary to Newton's 1st Law
e  Explosive (122 fps) ejections of pulverized  building materials from isolated windows
as much as 40 stories below the collapse zone
f  Multi-ton building components hurled laterally hundreds of yards
g pulverization of 180,000 tons of concrete floors, energy requirements of which should
have slowed down the collapses 
h  the collapse of the robust lower core structures, 40 stories tall, after the outer floors had 
already collapsed, under no more stress than their own weight--though they had been 
constructed to hold up the weight of 70 floors above them
i the presence of molten or melted steel in the rubble pile.  Jet fuel does not burn hot enough 
to melt steel, nor rubble pile materials.  Long heating does not explain it.  The 2d law of 
thermodynamics provides that a heated material can get no hotter than the fires that heat it.

OK, that's only nine.  There were ten.  I'll let you know when I remember the tenth.




> Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 14:47:17 -0700
> From: gerrygras at earthlink.net
> To: sosfbay-discuss at cagreens.org
> Subject: [GPSCC-chat] Risks to Internet?
> NSA reading encrypted email?
> NSA monitoring iPhones?
> Verizon blocking and censoring users?
> "Internet S.O.S."
> http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/09/14
> Gerry
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