[GPSCC-chat] minutes of April 24 meeting of the Green Party of Santa Clara County

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at prodsyse.com
Thu Apr 24 23:12:40 PDT 2014

Please reply to all with any additions or corrections.  Spencer

On 4/24/2014 6:18 PM, perrysandy at aol.com wrote:
> *Green Party Meeting Thursday, Apr 24, 2014*
> 7:00-7:30 GUEST SPEAKER*: *
> *Steve Raney*, Principal at Cities21 in Palo Alto (350.org volunteer), 
> will speak on  "Strategies to Defeat Exxon/Koch: Politics of Federal 
> Climate Legislation". Outline:
> 1) Political strategies to enact strong federal climate legislation 
> within 36 months (in the face of the overwhelming political power of 
> the fossil fuel industry).
> 2) Strategies of 350.org, Citizens Climate Lobby, and Environmental 
> Defense.
> 3) Professor Erica Chenoweth's dataset of past international citizen 
> movements shows that when 3.5% of a country's population (11 million 
> pro-climate Americans) is actively involved in a movement, 80% of 
> those movements achieve their objectives. 
> <http://kerrigon.blogspot.com/2013/12/11-million-americans-can-save-climate.html?view=sidebar>
> 7:30 Meeting starts. Identify Facilitator: Sandy

> Note Taker:  Spencer

> Vibes Watcher:  John

> Time Keeper:  John

> and Agenda Preparer for May: Caroline

> 7:40 Introductions:

       Caroline Yacoub

        Betsy, on County Council

       Peter O'Reilly:  for Diane Richy.  Labor event at Apple, May 2.  
at 12, meet at BJs.  Organized by Working Partnerships USA. Sat. May 3, 
program for Lynn Stuart.

        Sandy Perry

       John Thielking went to the Staple's protest also.  Wants help to 
analyze the veracity of that vast amounts of carbon can be sequestered 
using organic agriculture, came out of April 18 discussion on Tom 
Hartman's show (Big Picture RT).

       Andrea Dorey.  Supports Nader.  Read "Only the super rich can 
save us" (fiction)

       Max, student at DeAnza



       Drew:  Started the DeAnza Green party with Sandy.

> , announcements, additions or corrections to agenda. Agree on speaker 
> for May 22 meeting:

       Sandy will invite Brian Davis.

> 7:50 Treasurer's report and hat passing

> 7:55Final report on Lundy P.O. Box. Andrea:

       Green Party of Santa Clara County
       PO Box 611083, San José, CA 95161-1083

       $56 for 2 years.

       SG to put the new address on the web site and ask Brian Davis 
where he got the old address.

       Forwarding:  First class until April 13, 2015;  newspapers and 
magazines in June 12, 2014.

> 8:00 Report on climate change work. Caroline

       The news story on the demonstration in Richmond distorted the 
purpose:  The announced purpose was to protest global warming and 
Keystone XL.  The news said it was a memorial for the accident last year.

       350.org has several groups divestment, fracking, and other 
themes.  See "350.org" for details on which groups they have and when 
and where they meet.  Caroline likes their energy and attitude.  We need 
people attending there to help build coalition.

       Sandy agrees:  We need to join other coalitions.

       Max joined "Wage Theft" coalition.

> 8:15Report on single payer health care work. Andrew Hill Fair. 
> Caroline and Sandy

       Caroline is so thrilled:  at the Health Fair this year, they had 
for the lunch pizza, plant based, no GMO, vegan, ... .... "Plant Based 
Pizza" on Meridian & Willow.  The attendees were very happy and positive 
about our candidates.  People took our 4-candidate fliers.  The speakers 
started late and some of them (including Sandy) did not get to speak.  
It was a very good effective event for Single Payer and for the Green 
tabling.  3 new languages added to the Green Party sign.

       We had a great month tabling.

> 8:30Report on April tabling. Junior State.

       Caroline also liked Junior State the week before.  Made many 
buttons.  Someone told John that he actually used peacemovies.com. 
Collected $32.

> Gayle McLaughlin.

       The Green party was mentioned many times.  She described what 
they did, how they did it:  The Richmond Progressive Alliance coalition 
of Greens and anti-corporate Democrats.

> Earth Day SJSU. Other?

       Tian went.  They had plenty of literature, buttons.  Could not 
find the banner.  Otherwise it was great.  Tian's hat was hemp, and one 
guys shoes were hemp.  John helped.  Called into Tom Hartman's radio 
show, plugged our 4 candidates for state office.

       Collected $12.

       Annual COPE (Committee on Political Education of the South Bay 
Labor Council) at a San José Convention Center:  Pete was escorted out.  
They also asked Sandy to leave.

       Pete has talked with Zoe about the Ukraine.  She verbally said 
that if Russia invaded, NATO should also.  She was not that strong in a 

> 8:45Report on Global Climate Convergence at De Anza April 22 to May 1.

       Jill Stein has called for an "Earth Day to May Day" Global 
Climate Convergence.

       Span of control is key in organizational development theory.  
There must be about 20 Democratic clubs.

Immigration rights march on May 1.

        What about Cinco de Mayo?  Not so political.  More of a 
non-political party.  Cancelled in the past because of riots.

       Drew will provide info later about a disability pride parade on 
19 July from the train station to City Hall in Mt. View.

       Mayor of Albany, CA, is paying homeless $3K to move someplace else.

> 9:05Do we have to select delegates for the June 21-22 Plenary? Is 
> anyone even going?

       Drew would like to go.  Santa Barbara.

> 9:15Proposed:The Green party of Santa Clara County endorses the 
> campaign by "tri-cityhealth.org" to get San José to pass an ordinance 
> to "Stop Big Tobacco from Targeting our Young People in San Jose's Bars".

       Consensus on endorsing.

What letters do we write?

       John will draft a letter to the City Council on this.

> 9:20 Report on updating web site with state candidate information. Spencer

       Tian will help make a 5-candidate flier.  Sandy will look for 
more info.  Jena Goodman, Lt. Gov.

> 9:25Letter-writing at Caroline's house. Caroline

       Caroline will write  a physical letter.  Caroline would like to 
organize a letter writing day at her house.  She will provide the 
postage.  next Wednesday, April 30, noon.  323 N. Murphy Ave., Svle.

> 9:30Video discussions on Green-related topics. Andrea

       Caroline and Andrea will take the next step.

> 9:35Adjourn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrea Dorey <andi at wrytor.com>
> To: sosfbay-discuss <sosfbay-discuss at cagreens.org>
> Cc: Sandy Perry <perrysandy at aol.com>
> Sent: Thu, Apr 24, 2014 11:43 am
> Subject: Agenda for SCCGP meeting?
> Sandy,
> I don't seem to be on the list for agenda.
> Please add:
> *---Final report for new Lundy Main PO address for SCCGP*
> *---Possible return to video discussions on Green related topics 
> (traditionally held at Caroline Yacoub's home)*
> Question:  will we be getting an update on the USGS version of waters 
> rising due to climate change?
> Thanks,
> Andrea
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Spencer Graves, PE, PhD
President and Chief Technology Officer
Structure Inspection and Monitoring, Inc.
751 Emerson Ct.
San José, CA 95126
ph:  408-655-4567
web:  www.structuremonitoring.com

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