[GPSCC-chat] Draft agenda for January 22nd GPSCC monthly meeting

WB4D23 at aol.com WB4D23 at aol.com
Thu Jan 15 20:11:07 PST 2015

Draft Agenda for Monthly General Meeting January 22, 2015 
San  Jose Peace and Justice Center, 48 South 7th Street, San Jose, CA  
(Between Santa Clara and San Fernando  Streets) 
7:00 pm – Speaker:  None announced as of January 15, 2015  (date of this 
agenda draft) 
7:30 pm – Begin meeting -- Select Facilitator, Note taker, Time keeper, and 
Vibes watcher(s); Select Agenda Preparer for next meeting; Affirm or modify 
draft agenda (5 Minutes) 
Introductions and Announcements (10 Minutes) 
Treasurer’s Report – Jim Doyle (5 minutes) 
Proposal  by Jim Doyle:  Discontinue the GPSCC  telephone number to save 
about $40 per month (10 minutes) 
Proposal  by Sandy Perry:  Donate $100 to the  Rev. Edward Pinkney legal 
defense fund (10 minutes) 
Report  on status of plans for a gathering of the US Social Forum June 
23-26, 2015 at  San Jose State University as part of concurrent polycentric 
gatherings – Sandy  Perry (15 minutes) 
Report  on status of plans to host GPCA state meeting June 26-27,  2015 
Spencer  Graves (15 minutes) 
Report  on follow up (from November 2014 meeting) with contacting student 
at Santa Clara  University -- ??? (5 minutes) 
Report  on Single Payer Work – Caroline and Sandy (5 Minutes) 
Report  on Climate Change Work --  Caroline  (5 Minutes) 
Discussion of status of tabling supplies –(10 Minutes)  
Plans  for Tabling – Need to identify events coordinators -- (10 minutes)  
Earth  Day(s) in April??? 
(2 Hours Estimated Cumulative Times. Goal: Adjourn by 9:30 pm)
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