[GPSCC-chat] stealing elections

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 1 21:18:54 PDT 2016

re the Nader stole the election myth

Have you considered the purging of the voter rolls
in Florida, the request for a partial recount as
opposed to a full recount, the disruption of the
recount, the decision of the Supreme Court, and the
box(es) of balllots found in a church basement
after the votes had been counted and reported?

There were seven candidates on the Florida ballot in
2000.  Of the five, other than Bush and Gore, each
one received more votes than the number of votes
that separated Bush and Gore.

Also, in her book 'Cooking with Grease'  Donna
Brazile who was Al Gore's campaign manager and
most recently appointed to be the head of the DNC
wrote (as best I recall)  '...once we heard Nader was
polling at 4 % we did everythiig we legally could to
stop him.'

How much of this would fit on a 2" by 3 1/2 " business card?
How much of it would fit on a 3 x 5 index card?
Or on a quarter of an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet  of paper?

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