[GPSCC-chat] August meeting

Caroline Yacoub carolineyacoub at att.net
Thu Sep 1 16:48:25 PDT 2016

                 Green Party Meeting, August 24, 2016
I have most but not all of the names of those present:  Sandy, Jim Doyle, Warner, Brian, Jessica, Andrew, Ray, Maria, two Scotts , Barry Pete, Ever,Nassim,  Lane, Caroline. 
Facilitator, Sandy. Note Taker, Caroline.n Time Keeper, Jim. Vibes watcher, Warner. I don't know who is doing the agenda for next month.
Treasurer's report: We took donations, Reports to FCC are finished, there is around $700 in the account.
We encouraged the people here to volunteer for County Council. They need to be registered Green and live in the County.  We need two more people to serve on the SGA for 2 year terms.  Wednesday August 31 at the Peace Center is the kick-off meeting for South Bay for Jill Stein.
Of the Plastic Bag propositions, 65 should be No, 67 should be Yes. Alameda County Green Party puts out a Voter's Guide next month.
Silicon Valley for Bernie--after he gave up, they changed their name to Push for Progress.
Sandy, Nassim, Nadia and Brian have been working on the Jill Stein meeting next week. Pete volunteered to help and to hold up a sign at the library Peace vigil.
Sandy has out voter data base now. Warner said he would help with that.
Brian and Warner will be on the GROW conference call.
Scott is getting us a place for Jill Stein meetings and activities.
Melanie is working on a lot of things including freeway banners. Brian is involved, too. Jim D. will do leafletting and pamphleting. Nassim had some pamphlets. She has been giving them out at 6 colleges. People have complained about using so much paper. Warner said use smaller paper with url.
Webpage and email list issues:We have very attractive web pages now. The people working on the web pages need more content.We need someone to write blog posts.We need to update contact information.We should get a Twitter account--it's free.  Scott thought we ought to have some of the others, too. Maria said she would do Instagram or Twitter.Scott has taken some domain names. Once we get set up it should cost us $15 per month.
Nassim has laminated pages for tabling. If we want to get copies we can just call her at 408-396-5722,
Tabling:Most of our upcoming tabling will be for Jill Steir. We need to get people to join the Green Party--Dem-Exit tabling.
Next month we will discuss the ballot propositions and candidates.

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