[StrategyPlan] Wiki and Announcement

Jim Stauffer jims at greens.org
Mon Jan 10 17:18:05 PST 2011

This is a carry-on from our previous thread.

The text of the current draft announcement is pasted below. It includes
instructions for posting comments. But, after comparing the announcement and
the wiki, it seems that they are aimed more at individual responses rather
than group responses.

We've been talking all along about counties having group meetings. A secondary
purpose of this project was to encourage counties to get together with their
neighbors for an afternoon. As I reported, the CC wants this and is planning
on promoting it in a follow-up announcement.

Our primary interest is in getting these group reports. Then we can have
individuals adding responses to those reports, or adding new topics.

I'm going to change the bullet-list instructions in the announcement. The last
two bullets will be:

* Click the Discussion tab and type or paste your group's report directly on
the page.

* Individuals are invited to comment on these reports, or to add new topics.

For an intro on the wiki main page, I suggest we just use pertinent paragraphs
from the announcement. We can add a ToC when we decide on how to sub-divide
the responses.

And I assume we're removing that list of Current Topics.



[ The final announcement is in HTML with links, highlights and emphasis. ]

Fellow Greens,

2011 is the ideal time to set goals for the Party and develop strategies to
implement them!

The Green Party of California is very excited about creating "The GPCA
Strategic Action Plan"

Your input is absolutely vital in making this happen!!

We have very basic questions to ask Greens in every County:

     * What can The Green Party of California accomplish in 2011/2012?  How?
     * What can The Green Party of California accomplish in the next 5 years? 
     * What can The Green Party of California accomplish in the next 10 years?

Please forward this message to your local lists, present and discuss at your
next meeting, or however else you want to share this exciting project with
other Greens.

We plan to collect your responses, blend them with things we've been talking
about, and create a draft outline GPCA Strategic Action Plan for our Spring
This document will be continually evolving throughout 2011 and needs to be
something useful for all of us as we plan ahead.

We've made it really easy!.

     * Just go to this wiki page:  Strategy Plan Wiki.
     * Log-in or create an account. (10 seconds; link in upper right corner).
     * Click the Discussion tab and type or paste your input directly on the page.
     * You are invited to share your ideas on all the Strategy Topics.

Please keep your comments short, specific, realistic and action-based.

We also have an email lists as an alternative to the wiki for your responses
if you prefer. The address to send a message to this list is 
strategyplan at cagreens.org.

Wiki is a much better format than email for gathering lots of data, please
give it a try.
Its really quite easy!

Please post your input on Wiki no later than the End of February.
We look forward to hearing from you........

Let's get this Party started!!

-- GPCA Standing Groups and the Coordinating Committee

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