[GPCA Updates] Bohemian Grove July 22 announcement, bilingual flyer and camping info

Jim Stauffer jims at greens.org
Fri Jun 30 18:33:57 PDT 2006

Here is a calendar announcement about the July 22 Bohemian Grove Protest 
and information about local camping  and other logistical information 
appropriate for sharing with others in your activist networks.   

Also, a flyer (in PDF) announcing the protest in Spanish and English is
available from at http://cagreens.org. Look for the announcment at the top of
the page.  Thanks to ANSWER-SF for doing it-  great job.

Please copy and distribute it widely.

Thanks, for helping spread the word, and I hope to see you in Bohemia!

Don Eichelberger,  Green Party of California Green Issues Working Group 


CALENDAR EVENT					Contact: Don Eichelberger
SATURDAY, JULY 22, 2006			              415-567-4577

Protest the Ruling Elite- Impeach the Bohemians!

Join Bohemian Grove Action Network, ANSWER Coalition, SF,  Green Party of 
California, International Indian Treaty Council, United Farm Workers and 
many others who will confront the annual summer camp for some of the most 
powerful men in the world at Bohemia Grove.  Members include many who 
prosper from war, and keeping labor costs low by ruling some workers "illegal".

Join the call:  End the War for Oil abroad, Justice for Immigrants at home 
and immediately Impeach the President and All his Men, many of whom are 
regular grove guests and members.

  Saturday,  July 22nd, Monte Rio on the Russian River, Sonoma County, CA
1  P.M.- Rally, speakers, music
2 P.M.- March to the Bohemian Grove Gate
4-10 P.M.-  Dinner and evening event at Monte Rio Amphitheater (not 
confirmed at this writing)

Call  415-821-6545 for ride information from San Francisco.

For general information about Bohemian Grove, go to

http://www.sonomacountyfreepress.com and click on Bohemian Grove, or call 
707-874-2248 or 415-567-4577



  Camping  for Bohemian  Grove Convergence 2006

  Dear  Greens and other friends -

We hope you are planning to attend the July 22 protest and Green 
Convergence at Bohemian Grove in Sonoma County.  You will help shine 
a  light on what has been called the greatest men's  party on earth; one 
made up of many of the men who profit most from oil and the war to get 
it.  And others who gain vast wealth from cheap labor, keeping it "illegal" 
or far off shore.  And, of course, their political enablers.

The protest will take place starting at 1 P.M. in the Sonoma County town of 
Monte Rio, at the parking lot across from the Rio theater,  at  the 
intersection of  Bohemian Highway and Hwy.  116.  There will be a short 
rally at the parking lot, followed by a march to the Bohemian Grove gate at 
2 P.M..  Local organizers are planning a Saturday evening dinner and event 
in Monte Rio starting at about 4 P.M. to finish out the day of protest and 
community building.

This is a summer playground, and we hope you and your family, friends and 
allies will come and make a week-end out of it.  Below are contacts for a 
number of the campgrounds and resorts in the vicinity.  We will try to have 
a group camp space set aside, but that has not been confirmed as of this 
writing, and it should not be depended upon.

Most of these venues are first cone, first served, though it never hurts to 
call and see if you can reserve a site:

Austin Creek State Rec, area, 707-865-2391, 17000  Armstrong 
Woods  Rd.,  $10, 24  units

Cassini  Family  Campground,  800-451-8400, 22855 Moscow Rd., 
Duncan's  Mills, (near Monte Rio) $22-29, huge, along the Russian 
River.  Be aware this week end will be a Civil War reenactment at Cassini, 
so will be likely crowded with Civil War buffs.

Faerie Ring Campground, 707-869-2746, 16747 Armstrong Woods Rd., $20-25, 30 

Fife's Guest Ranch, 800-7FIFES, 16747 River Rd., Guerneville, $25-40, 80 units

Highlands (Primarily Gay), 707-869-0333, 14000 Woodland Dr., Guerneville, 
$20-25, 20 units

Hilton Park Family Campground, 707-887-9206, 10750 River Rd., Forestville, 

The Inn at the Willows, 707-869-2824, 15905 River Rd., Guerneville, $20-up

Johnson' s  Beach, 707-869-2022, 16241 First St., Guerneville, $10-up, 25 units

River Bend Resort, 707-887-7662, 11820 River Rd., Guerneville, $23, 45 units

Schoolhouse Canyon Park, 707-869-2311, 12600 River Road, Guerneville, 
$25-up, 65 units

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