[Sosfbay-discuss] It is all on the Internet

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Thu Nov 10 09:41:05 PST 2005

When someone asked about the 2006 election, I find nothing confirmed on official
 GPCA web sites yet. Even the information on 2005 results in incomplete and I do
not mean only from the ones who ran and won/lost this week

However, Washington DC Green Ken Sain runs a BLOG that is read by Greens all
over the country and he has compiled a list of Greens running for office in 2006
that included California.  His list includes:

Governor: Peter Camejo

Senator: Kent Mesplay


California 21: David Adalian
California 22: Billy Olson
California 28: Bryon de Lear
California 53: Lawrence Rockwood

I have no way of knowing if this is accurate or how Ken gets his info.  If it is
accurate, I don't know why a Washington DC Green can provide information not yet
available to us in California.  Maybe it is only because these candidates have
only said that they are running but are not truly that far along in the process.
"I find I have a great lot to learn – or unlearn. I seem to know far too much
and this knowledge obscures the really significant facts, but I am getting on."
-- Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Wesley C. Rolley
17211 Quail Court
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

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