[Sosfbay-discuss] My Letter to the Milpitas Post

alexcathy at aol.com alexcathy at aol.com
Thu Nov 10 16:56:55 PST 2005

Dear Green Friends,

It's a week late and a dollar short, but my local, weekly Milpitas Post 
printed my letter-to-the-editor about the propositions.  And since we 
won, I don't care if they printed it now.  It will be viewed as kind of 
a commentary after-the-fact.

It's posted on the Milpitas Post Web Site at:


Here is the text:

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Dear Editor,

I am not a Democrat. I am a registered Green Party voter in Milpitas 
and an active, proud member of the Santa Clara Greens. I don't like the 
sleazy, manipulative way Democrats maintain one-party rule here.

However, I am also a progressive, who, like most voters, think 
Republican President Bush is a disaster. Furthermore, I think 
Republican Gov. Schwarzenegger is an embarrassing buffoon obviously in 
over his head.

We know Arnold's "reformers" are phony because they always give us the 
right-wing Republican "party line." Especially in the aftermath of 
Hurricane Katrina and other disasters and buffoonery from the right, 
when somebody gives me that "party line" it does not convince me, but 
enrages me.

If public employee unions are bad, why not use the example of the 
Milpitas police union? Since muscling in a 3-2 majority, the puppet 
Milpitas City Council has purged boards and commissions of all who 
might disagree. They even abolished the ethics board.

Alas, the GOP bully-boy line says beat up on teachers and nurses, but 
never cops.

If gerrymandered districts are bad why not use the example of racial 
gerrymandering wiping out the possibility of our large Asian-American 
community electing an Assembly person?

Alas, the GOP "Angry White Man" line says dirty tricks to keep "those 
people in their place" is OK.

Finally, if "bipartisan" reforms solve "bipartisan" ills, where are the 
"reform" Democrats?

Alas, the GOP says the only "good Democrat" is a DINO ("Democrat In 
Name Only"). Trot out San Jose's cranky, crazy, old Tom McEnery!

Reform? Not from this gang.

Alex Walker

Kizer Street

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I am particularly pleased that they DID NOT censor my opening line 
about being "a registered Green Party voter in Milpitas and an active, 
proud member of the Santa Clara Greens."

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