[Sosfbay-discuss] Colin Powell in Cupertino, let's go! ... NOT!

alexcathy at aol.com alexcathy at aol.com
Tue Oct 25 07:15:27 PDT 2005

Colin Powell in Cupertino, let's go!


  On top of doing next to nothing to oppose Arnold Schwarzennegger's 
power grab in California, you guys couldn't muster the guts to be "race 
traitors" about Hurricane Katrina. Indeed, this e-list has been 
strangely quiet over the past month.

  Ah! But now comes Colin Powell, out of office, out of power, and 
totally out of the loop (if he was ever really in it).

  So "Let's go!" and show how "radical" and "revolutionary" we are with 
another totally meaningless "protest" probably about a mile and a half 
away from wherever he's speaking.

 Nobody will say it, so I'll say it: This is bullshit!

  Right here, in Santa Clara County and right now, in late October 2005, 
our time and energy as Greens would be better spent making the case for 
real political reform and real progressive political action in the 
Golden State.

 A disillusioned,

 Alex Walker

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