[Sosfbay-discuss] What the heck is going on with the plenary scheduling? Cancel Sunday's meeting?

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 15 01:43:17 PDT 2006

WB4D23 at aol.com wrote:

> The following is a noted posted with a "Preliminary" agenda at 
> cagreens.org/plenary
> Note: On 13 APRIL 2006, Adrienne Prince (Ventura) has requested, on 
> behalf of the host committee, that the General Assembly meeting 
> currently scheduled for April 29-30 be cancelled, primarily for 
> logistical reasons. The Coordinating Committee will presumeably vote on 
> this request in the near future.
> The registration page is still not activated.  The directions page 
> refers to travel to the Yolo plenary.
> Gerry:  What is going on in terms of Coordinating Committee 
> (non)decision-making???

There is a lot.  And the whole picture is fuzzy.  I hope this helps:

1) even though the host committee filed paperwork over a month
    ago, Moorpark has apparently not informed the host committee
    yet if the venue is available

2) there is some concern about how many delegates will show up,
    because of the actions planned at the Democratic State
    Convention  (note: when this plenary was originally scheduled,
    it was not clear whether there would be any action)

3) there is some concern about the state of the agenda packet and
    the schedule, and there are multiple factors to that
    - the affereffects of the mass resignation from the PlenPlanCom
      just before the last plenary
    - the packetmaker has been out of town on a business trip
      (i hear that she has just come back, so we'll see)
    - the problem of what to do when there are too many requests
      for plenary time has never been resolved
    - the packet is now later than the bylaw mandated deadline of
      3 weeks before
    - I bet there is more

4) ???

FWIW, in my opinion, a significant part of this is due to not
finding host committees early enough.  I think the search for
a host committee should begin AT LEAST 6 months before a plenary,
and a venue nailed down 4.5 months before a plenary.  (Professional
conference planning usually takes a year, I think).

Why that is not happening I don't know.  I could speculate, but
I won't.

I suppose that does not really answer your question.  If not,
please restate it.


> Jim, Cameron, Tian (and others):  I do not want to spend time on 
> discussing a tentative draft of a plenary agenda that may not happen as 
> scheduled April 29-30th.  We had scheduled an agenda packet review 
> meeting at 3 pm at my house.  There also is (I think) an ERWG 
> teleconference scheduled for 4-6 pm in which I would otherwise 
> participate.  Have the meeting?  Cancel the meeting?
> Warner
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