[Sosfbay-discuss] What the heck is going on with the plenary scheduling? Cancel Sunday's meeting?

Larry Cafiero_Liaison larrycafiero_liaison at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 15 07:56:39 PDT 2006

Gerry Gras wrote:

> 2) there is some concern about how many delegates will show up,
>     because of the actions planned at the Democratic State
>     Convention  (note: when this plenary was originally scheduled,
>     it was not clear whether there would be any action)

Actually, planning for this action at the state Democratic convention 
predates the decision to hold a plenary hundreds of miles away on the 
same weekend. Why it wasn't either changed, or why the plenary wasn't 
held in Sacramento, remains a mystery. For what it's worth, I will be at 
the plenary as a party official, but we really should be on the streets 
of Sacramento.

Ventura has a legitimate -- and if it were my county, an enormous -- 
concern about how many people are coming because it could affect how 
much money they take in. Sorry to say it, but that's a big consideration 
in taking on the huge task of hosting a plenary.

Larry Cafiero
Liaison to the Secretary of State's office
Green Party of California

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