[Sosfbay-discuss] Camejo event in Mountain View

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 5 12:11:38 PDT 2006

This message originated with Fred.

Great News!

According to Jo Chamberlain, Peter Camejo is enthusiastic about 
participating in the GPSCC event at the MV Historic Adobe Bldg. (HAP).  
He chose Tuesday, October 3.

I've reserved the HAB for 10/03/06.  The earliest hour we can occupy it 
will be 5:00 pm.
We  reserved it for four hours in 2002 for $60 plus.

On Monday I'll pay the refundable deposit.

My suggestion is that we serve only soft drinks and fruit juices if we 
can save on the cost of insurance for covering alcohol beverage related 

Regarding expenditures and receipts, I think we, GPSCC, should pay the 
expenses from the funds raised, then split the balance, 50% - 50%, with 
the candidates.  (I think we should keep all of our literature 
receipts.)  We should have a plan on this to giveJo/Peter and the 

I would also suggest that we keep the buffet simpler this time.

Last time we had fun with door prize drawings.
We'll need committees for:

Floor Manager
Miss/Master of  Ceremonies
Literature Table
Fund Raising
Logistics  (Including parking,  electronics and equipment) and

Perhaps the Program Planning should be done at the September GPSCC 
meeting, with the fine tuning done at a special meeting closer to the 

I can pay the up front costs and divvy up with the GPSCC after the event.

Gerry and/or Jim Doyle, please forward this message on to Drew, Tom and 
Tim, who were at the meeting last night, Roy Harrison and others who 
should be included .   I'll send a copy of this to Mary-Lyle Rempel.


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