[Sosfbay-discuss] Green Bikers

Tian Harter tnharter at ispwest.com
Mon Aug 14 14:15:15 PDT 2006

I agree. I show up to help when they have something
going on. I'm a member. The more of us that join the better!


JamBoi wrote:

>My point is that we could foster closer ties to SVBC
>http://www.svbcbikes.org/ and have some mutual support happening.
>A Million Votes for Peace!
>--- Tian Harter <tnharter at ispwest.com> wrote:
>>If you go to the SVBC meetings you will find people that like what
>>we are doing and don't really mind being fellow travelers. Some
>>of them (at least one I've seen) even wear Green Party T shirts to
>>the meeting. They see their work as advocacy more than change,
>>so they won't be running against us soon.
>>JamBoi wrote:
>>>Unlike the author of that particular letter, I don't see it as a
>>>of either/or.  In other words, yes we need to improve our transit
>>>system, and yes we need to improve our cycling system.  The cycling
>>>part costs a mere pittance compared to the money spent on autos and
>>>gets a very large 'bang for the buck'.  I still think about how in
>>>Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition we were fighting for the state and
>>>county folks just to fullfill what they'd committed to (required by
>>>actually) to build up the cycling path beside 85 and how the
>>>out of it as unfortunately happens so frequently.  Damn we would
>>>done well to turn to the Green Party to get some political muscle
>>>behind it.  Still could.  The cycling community and SVBC could be
>>>another source of Green Party recruits, especially if we can
>>>get some changes effected.
>>>A Million Votes for Peace,
>>>--- Bob Alavi <baalavi at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>Hi All, This was [not bilke commute friendly ] in Chronicle of Aug
>>>> " 
>>>> TED LOEWENBERG  San Francisco 
>>>>   Bicycle commuting is a dead horse 
>>>> Editor -- Your frequent advocacy for bicycle commuting has made
>>>>rethink the idea. An experienced rider can probably maintain 20 mph
>>>>for a reasonable distance in bike clothing. A commuter, dressed for
>>>>work, would be hard pressed, especially in traffic and with crowded
>>>>bike lanes.   When I rode 8 miles to my dental office on a good
>>>>path, on a warm day, it usually required about 25 minutes of
>>>>and 30 minutes of drip dry, as there was no shower available.
>>>>Schlepping a change of clothes back and forth is not a viable
>>>>solution.   For most people, this is ridiculous, and to keep
>>>>suggesting such a method as reasonable is to continue beating a
>>>>dead horse. Get real. Society requires subsidized transit for all
>>>>the Bay Area.   "
>>>> I guess the "5 letters" were in response to this.  Since about
>>>>beginning of the year, I have been commuting with a bicycle.  I
>>>>it has been tremendously helpful in my case.  My commute is about
>>>>miles, one way.  But some of the items noted in the letter as
>>>>problems of commuting with a bicyle, seem reasonable to me.  I just
>>>>didn't like the tone of that letter.  To be specific, I think 20
>>>>for a bike is way too fast in most city streets.  I feel I'd be
>>>>dangerously fast when I go over 12-15 MPH.  But that may be my
>>>>problem.  Oh yes, sweating is a problem, but if I ride Light Rail
>>>>part of that commute, I hardly break a sweat.  Proper clothing is
>>>>completely a different area by itself.
>>>> We as a society have invested over 100 years to develop
>>>>traffic friendly" system and roads.  If we invest a fraction of
>>>>into a "bicyle friendly" system, we -- that's all of us, will do a
>>>>lot better.
>>>> ba
>>>>Fred Duperrault <fredd at freeshell.org> wrote:
>>>> Gerry, Tian, Cameron, Drew, Dana and other Green bikers - OR
>>>>BE, There are five "Letters to the Editor," in today's (Aug 12) SF 
>>>>Chronicle, under "A happy gaggle of bike commuters," that you might
>>>>interested in. Either get it on line or pick up a Chronicle today.
>>>>letters are on the "Opinion" page, Section B, Page 4.
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