[Sosfbay-discuss] [Fwd: RSVP: Please forward to your listserves, etc.: KPFA "LSB" Endorsements from the Green Party of Alameda County]

Jim Stauffer jims at greens.org
Wed Oct 18 18:21:03 PDT 2006

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RSVP: Please forward to your listserves, etc.: KPFA "LSB"
         Endorsements from the Green Party of Alameda County
   Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 20:47:19 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Greg Jan <gregjan4 at yahoo.com>

 Dear Greens,      

Below is a message from the Green Party of
Alameda County that we would like for you to forward to Greens in
your county, via your listserves, e-mail lists, etc.  (Unless of
course you have your own list of KPFA "LSB" endorsements that
you're sending to them -- if so, please let us know -- let's see
if we're "mostly on the same page", or not!).     

 Please forward
the message below as soon as you possibly can, as the voting
period has now begun, and many KPFA members are already receiving
"campaign information" from the candidates!      If you have any
questions, please contact me by e-mail, or at (510) 444-7336.
Thanks in advance for your help with this -- let's definitely (and
quickly!) try to get a KPFA Board that will clearly and firmly be
fair to the Green Party!

Greg Jan                   
Green Party of Alameda County

PS -- Please reply back to this e-mail (or
telephone me) -- so I know you have received it, and will be
getting a message out promptly to the Greens in your county!
Thank you!

[ Subject line: ]KPFA "LSB" Endorsements from the Green
Party of Alameda County 

>From the Green Party of Alameda County: 

Dear Greens,
There is a very important election coming up for the KPFA Local
Station Board.

We urge every Green Party Member who is a member of KPFA to cast
their vote to help the Green Party.

For the Greens onemajor issue is the total lack of third party
coverage by KPFA. In an era when corporations own the media and
control both the Democratic and Republican parties, it is critical
that progressive voices like KPFA give voice to alternative
parties like the Green Party.

The Green Party of Alameda County endorses the following
candidates for the Local Station Board:

[ Alliance for a Democratic KPFA slate:]
1. Akio Tanaka- Green Party, Oak to Ninth Referendum Committee
2. Henry Norr- Green Party, journalist and peace activist
3. Dave Heller- Green Party, Californians for Electoral Reform
4. Bob English - labor activist
5. Dave Welsh - journalist and labor activist
6. Vida Samiian -   Dean, Fresno State University
7. Jane Jackson – Incumbent and civil rights activist
[Concerned Listeners:]
8. Phoebe Sorgen – Green Party, Chair BFUU Social Justice

The ‘ Alliance for a democratic KPFA’ is endorsed by the
Peter Philips - (Project Censored- Sonoma State )
Lawrence Ferlinghetti - (Poet)
Jack Hirschman - (Poet laureate, SF)
Michael Parenti - (Author)
Terry Baum – (Playwright)
Dennis Bernstein - (Executive Producer, Flashpoints)
Bonnie Faulkner - (Produce, Guns and Butter)
Riva Enteen - (National Lawyers Guild, KPFA LSB member)
Renee Saucedo - (Attorney, Civil Rights activist)
James Vann - (Architect, affordable housing activist)
Jack Heyman - (ILWU, Local 10)
Krissy Keefer - (Green Party candidate for Congress)
Aimee Allison - (Green Party candidate Oakland City Council, Dist.

 (Partial list)

The basic issue of this election is whether the democratic reforms
that were put in place after the great Lock-Out will go forward so
that the listeners have an input in the governance of the station,
or whether the status quo will remain.

In the election there are two competing ‘slates’ and the

‘Concerned Listener’ slate is backed by the 'entrenched staff'
like Larry Bensky, Mark Mirecle, Phil Maldavi, and Sasha Lilly who
is opposing the implementation of democratic governance that
resulted from the settlement. They have enlisted people from the
Wellstone Democrats like Conn Hallinan to run on their slate. They
also include two incumbents, Mark Hernandez and Sarv Randhara, who
blocked the KPFA LSB support for the Berkeley Honda strikers.
‘Alliance for a Democratic KPFA’ slate is backed by the
'progressive staff' like Dennis Bernstein and Bonnie Faulkner. The
candidates include mostly peace and media activist like Henry
Norr, the SF Chronicle journalist who was fired for participating
in an anti-war march at the start of the Iraq War and also for
supporting the Palestinian cause.

Then there is a group of independents, which includes some very
capable and progressive candidates.

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