[Sosfbay-discuss] FWIW Warner's Judge and DA Picks

WB4D23 at aol.com WB4D23 at aol.com
Sat Oct 28 23:07:23 PDT 2006

I get asked about judge and district attorney candidates because I am an  
I suggest Karen Sinunu for District Attorney vs. Judge Dolores Carr.   As 
reported in the press, Sinunu was involved in at least two cases reviewing a  
wrongful conviction and a wrongful arrest and has responded to requests for  
press interviews.  She has articulated a policy that DA mistakes should be  
acknowledged and corrected.  No question she is as agressive a prosecutor  as any 
other.  But she also has broad administrative experience in the  office, unlike 
Carr who mostly focused on sex and domestic violence  crimes.  Carr is an ok 
judge and has done some good administrative stuff in  the Family Law Court.
I suggest Michele McCoy over Tim Pitsker for Superior Court Judge.   Either 
continues the general tendency to pack the court with ex-DAs.  McCoy  has been 
out of the DA's office for awhile in a teaching position (for judges  and DAs) 
and her statement speaks more from the personal rather than Pitsker's  
typical DA gonna get em text.  New judges initially get fed to the  arraignment and 
pretrial criminal calendars, but they usually get into the civil  law rotation 
eventually.  McCoy, in my mind, has a broader background than  Pitsker.
'Hope this helps.  Warner 
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