[Sosfbay-discuss] Our bylaws say all 7 County Council seats must be filled ASAP!

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Fri Jan 5 17:06:55 PST 2007

Drew, a good reminder.  You should also have posted section 2.3 of the 
bylaws, especially 3.3.1 (d).

2.3 Recall / Removal / Sanction

2.3.1 A member will be automatically removed from the Council in the 
event that the member:
a) Moves out of the county; or
b) Registers with another political party; or
c) Fails to maintain an updated, accurate registration in the Green 
Party; or
d) *Fails to attend at least three out of five consecutive County 
Council meetings. *

So, you will undoubtedly find your new members in the core group that 
attends most meetings.  I was disappointed that Alex Walker moved down 
south, as I was encouraging him to run.

>Lo and behold, I just now discovered looking at our bylaws that its not just a desirable thing for us to get our County Council back up to its full seven members - its a requirement!
>"Vacancies on the Council that reduce the membership to less than seven will be filled by appointment by the remaining County Council member(s)within 30 days of the vacancy."
>So since we need to strive to "reflect the diversity of the general
>population in the county", and right now we have 3 white males (Jim
>Doyle, Gerry Gras and me, Drew Johnson), we especially need to look to gender balance and ethnic balance in appointing folks to fill out our CC.  So let's put our heads together and come up with qualified
>candidates for these positions.
>Here's the bylaw in context:
>"2.2.2 The County Council is designated by the State Green Party bylaws to consist of seven members elected at large from the county's Green Party constituency. Additional members may be appointed by the Council. Vacancies on the Council that reduce the membership to less than seven will be filled by appointment by the remaining County Council member(s)within 30 days of the vacancy. The State Green Party Coordinating Committee and the Santa Clara Registrar of Voters shall be informed of all appointed members within two working days of the appointment. It shall be an objective of the Green Party of Santa Clara County that its County Council reflect the diversity of the general population in the county and likewise reflect Green Party values.

Wes Rolley		 
17211 Quail Court	
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

"Happiness is to be fully engaged in the activity that you believe in and, if you are very good at it, well that's a bonus." -- Henry Moore

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