[Sosfbay-discuss] Time to remove a dictator

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 17 01:08:17 PST 2007

Time to remove a dictator

By DOUG THOMPSON / January 15, 2007
Capitol Hill Blue

Enough of this pussyfooting: It's time to

Not just Bush: Bush and Cheney. Both belong
behind bars, not just for high crimes and
misdemeanors against the Constitution of the
United States but for war crimes and murder on an
international scale. Try them in the Senate and
then ship them to the Hague to be tried as war
criminals and for the deaths of each American
soldier and Iraqi civilian in their illegal and
immoral invasion of Iraq.

But let's not stop there: Arrest Secretary of
State Condoleezza Rice and former Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as co-conspirators in a
plot to destroy the Democratic Republic of the
United States of America. Add, as fellow
conspirators, every member of Congress who voted
to authorize Bush's dirty little war and who
voted for the rights-robbing USA Patriot Act the
fist time around and/or extension of that vile
law the second time.

America is a country out of control, led by a
government that doesn't listen to its people.
Bush, on national television Sunday night,
admitted he doesn't much care what the American
people think about him or his war. He's going to
do whatever he damn well pleases because he knows
no one has the power or the balls to stop him.

Sadly, he's right. Bush consolidated his power by
leveraging a shell-shocked, Republican-led
Congress after 9/11 to give him everything he
wanted. Democrats share the blame. Most of them
also voted for the war and for the USA Patriot

The Republican leadership may be gone but the
Democrats who replaced them aren't listening to
the voters who put them into power. They talk
lamely of non-binding resolutions against the
war, hearings ad infinitum and the standard
political rhetoric that has, for too long,
replaced any real leadership in the halls of

The time has come to stop talking. The time has
come to act. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
must remove the shackles from her colleagues who
want to impeach a President who has, with the
help of Congress, overthrown the government of
this country and established - for all practical
purposes - a dictatorship that answers to no one.

If Pelosi refuses to act, then let her term as
Speaker be a short one and put the reign of the
party of the jackass into mothballs when our turn
comes again at the ballot box. The Republicans
failed and the Democrats seem destined to follow.
Let's scrap the two-party system in this country
and look elsewhere for our leaders. Perhaps a
third party or perhaps no party. The political
system in America is an outmoded, scandal-ridden,
corrupt dinosaur that no longer listens to the
will of the people or cares a rat's ass about the

Bush must go. So must Cheney. And if the Congress
won't do the job, then they must go too.

The only real questions are how and how soon? Can
Americans afford to wait until 2008 to lance the
festering boils on the body politic?

I'm not sure we can.

© Copyright 2006 by Capitol Hill Blue


Jammy The Sacred Cow Slayer

"Live humbly, laugh often and love unconditionally" (anon)

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