[Sosfbay-discuss] Kill-A-Watt Metering!

Tian Harter tnharter at ispwest.com
Wed Jun 20 12:33:53 PDT 2007

Bruce Karney introduced me to a nifty little gadget, the Kill-A-Watt Meter.
It's a grey box, about six inches long, three inces wide, an inch or so 
with a plug sticking out the back. To use it you plug it into the wall, 
plug the device being observed into it. It tells you about how much power
that thing uses over time. The idea is to learn from using it where your
home uses energy, so you can change your habits so they are less resource

I borrowed his Kill-A-Watt meter and looked at what the power use of all
the things that plug in around here is. You can see what I learned at:


If you are wondering where the carbon footprint of your home comes from,
this is a good exercise to go through.

Monday I got a copy of Blessed Unrest, a new book by Paul Hawken.

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