[Sosfbay-discuss] Plenary info and travel assistance funds

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Thu May 17 14:52:04 PDT 2007

Forwarded from the GPCA:

Dear GPCA member

The next General Assembly meeting of the Green Party
of California will be held Saturday, May 26th to
Sunday, May 27th, 2007 in San Francisco, at the State
Government Building, 450 Golden Gate Ave, 94102-3661.


Registration fees have been set at:

   Two days: Saturday/Sunday, with light
breakfast/full lunch: $55
   One day: Saturday or Sunday, with light
breakfast/full lunch: $30
      Bring your own eating utensils- $2 total
      Bring your own utensils, cup, plate-$5 total

On March 6th, the GPCA Coordinating Committee has
established a travel assistance program for low-income
General Assembly delegates, co-coordinators of GPCA
working groups and committees, and CC members who plan
on attending.

The allocation of these travel assistance funds are as

- Individuals coming from the following regions
(SD-Imp, ORSB, LA), may receive up to $125
- Individuals coming from the following regions
(Central, Central Coast, Emerald) may receive up to
- Individuals coming from the following regions (East
Bay, Monterrey Bay, North Bay, San Francisco, Silicon
Valley) may receive up to $50
- Allocations will be made on a first-come,
first-serve basis.

If you are unsure of which GPCA region your county is
in, please see



Because the travel assistance funds are available on a
first-come, first-served basis, please send in your
request as soon as possible to the GPCA Treasurer
Kenny Mostern, at <kenny at kennymostern.net>, with the
subject line "Travel Assistance Request for GPCA
General Assembly".

In your request, please include your

- name
- city
- county/region
- contact info
- amount requested/basis of financial need
- role in party to qualify for assistance (i.e.
General Assembly delegate, Co-coordinator of a
Standing Committee or Working Group, Coordinating
Committee member)

Further logistical information about travel and
lodging will be available shortly.


Note: copies of the draft agenda with proposal
language, as approved by the General Assembly Planning
Sub-Committee, is already available for review and
printing (561KB), at


and as a hypertext document at


You will need the usual password to gain access to
both formats.

If you have questions or concerns about the proposals
themselves, please contact the presenters before the
General Assembly, using the contact information
provided with each proposal.

The draft allocation of delegates to county Green
Parties has also been calculated (and is subject to
final approval by the Coordinating Committee.)  This
draft is available in the printed Appendix and on-line


For this plenary only, since 36 uncontested GPUS
delegate seats are being elected, the GPUS delegate
bios/statements of candidacy will be published in a
separate document, and for now is already available
on-line at



JamBoi: Jammy, The Sacred Cow Slayer
The Green Parties' #1 Blogger

"To the brave belong all things"
Celt's invading Etrusca reply to nervous Romans around 400BC

"Live humbly, laugh often and love unconditionally" (anon)

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