[Sosfbay-discuss] holiday peace fair

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 14 17:07:30 PST 2007

I just spoke to Lois Fiedler.
She told me she is not aware of having received an application
for a table much less a check to cover the fee for the table.

Was anyone designated to fill out the application and send in the check
at the monthly meeting?  Or at any other time?

They, the organizers, are having a meeting this coming Saturday, the 17-th
at the church where the Peace Fair will be held, which is at Moorpark 
and Leigh.

Do we want a half table or a full table?
Who will table there?

At any rate I have asked Lois to send an application form to me per email.
She also said there are other groups who have not been at the peace fair
before who are waiting to be a part of the peace fair so we had better
pay up by Saturday.

Is anyone available to attend that meeting on Saturday?

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