[Sosfbay-discuss] late filing fines SOS, ROV fines

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 8 19:33:42 PST 2008

The Secretary of State's Political Reform Division has processed
the application for a waiver of fines.  The fines which had covered five
reporting periods were originally in the range of $1,250 to $1,920.

They have all been reduced to $25 each for a total of $125.

Whoever processed the waiver still has Eric Meese as the treasurer of 
ReROV fines:

I have proposed to the county council that we attempt to negotiate a
reduction of the fines imposed by the Registrar of Voters and layout
a payment plan that stretches over a span of up to three years.

That will be discussed by the county council which can and must take 
action before
the 24-th of this month.

Your comments are also welcome.

Jim Doyle

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