[Sosfbay-discuss] handbook for community activists

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 13 11:53:37 PDT 2008

Register early for lunch and lecture
perhaps just buy the book.

*/_2.  "Loud & Clear in Election Year" Be Prophetic and Stay Non-Profit
Friday, June 6, _/**/_11:30am-2pm_/*_
_Speaker Holly Minch was the lead editor "Loud & Clear in Election Year: 
Amplifying the Voices of Community Advocates," a handbook created for 
the 2004 election year.  What a non-profit tax-exempt organization (like 
a church) can and can't do in articulating its prophetic voice can be 
very confusing.  However, uncertainty regarding this issue often results 
in churches hesitant to speak prophetically, remaining timid when 
critical moral and religious concerns are at stake.  Minch will offer 2 
hours of her time guiding us through this very important question, 
giving examples and case studies, exploring various options, and 
answering questions.  /Confidence and clarity will help us all be more 
faithful in the months ahead./  Lunch served at 11:30am; the 
presentation begins at 12Noon.  Sponsored by the Council of Churches, 
clergy and lay leaders of all communities of faith and nonprofits are 
invited to attend.  Cost includes lunch and is $10 for registrations 
received by May 23; $20 until June 5; $25 at the door.  /Early 
registration is encouraged!  /Send your name, congregation or 
organization with which you are associated (if any), and checks made to 
Council of Churches of Santa Clara County to Council of Churches, 1710 
Moorpark Ave., San Jose, CA  95128.  The event will be held in mid 
county.  Exact location tba.  Read an excerpt from the book 
<http://www.reachandteach.com/content/article.php?story=loudclear> and 
register for June 6 to learn even more.

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