[Sosfbay-discuss] 27th Week of Impeachment Demonstration, Fri. 5/23, Lofgren's office 3pm-5pm

Merriam Kathaleen mkmusic at greens.org
Thu May 22 02:14:28 PDT 2008

Hi All,

                    IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS!!!!

That's what we want and that is what we are demanding of Rep. Zoe Lofgren.

We need you to show ZOE we mean business and we won't go away until we 
get the hearings.

*This Friday is our 27th continuous week of demonstrating in front of 
Rep. Zoe Lofgren's office. 

Please join us this Friday, 5/23 in front of Lofgren's office from 
3:00pm - 5:00pm.  We want a large presence demanding she "*DO HER 
JOB*."  Zoe's office is at 635 N. 1st St., San Jose. (Between Taylor & 
Jackson St. across from the IHOP restaurant/Light Rail stop is corner of 
Jackson St on 1st St.)  We want to be loud and proud for Impeachment 
hearings for Cheney. 

*Randy will be there dressed as Bush and Ed will be there dressed as 
Cheney.  The people driving by love seeing these two characters.* 

Be Zoe's conscience!!!! We are her constant reminder to hold Cheney 
accountable and uphold our Constitution by HOLDING IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS!!

Our presence in front of Zoe's office gives each car that honks the 
opportunity to express their feelings about impeachment.  If we weren't 
there these people would probably not
have this opportunity to express themselves.


Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition
mkmusic03 at aol.com
408-482-6032 (Cell)


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