[GPSCC-chat] S. 1867

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Sun Nov 27 19:45:13 PST 2011

When I read/hear statements about alleged problems with
bills, I sometimes like to learn more about them.

So when I heard there were serious problems with S. 1867,
I did some internet searching, and ...

FIRST, there may be a vote tomorrow (Monday) or the
next day (Tuesday).

SECOND, there are references to a section 1031,
which I can't find in the text:
NOTE: I am not sure that clicking on that link will
get you to the text, that might be a dynamic link.
If not, then go to: http://thomas.loc.gov , select
bill number, enter "s b 1867".

It may (or may not) be that that section has already
been removed.

THIRD, this is yet another example of how poor a job
the MSM is doing.  My internet search did not find
any MSM reporting on it.

Finally, here are the highlights of what I found ...


Here's a statement from the ACLU:

"Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a
'Battlefield' They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window"

"The bill was drafted in secret by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John
McCain (R-Ariz.) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without
even a single hearing."

"The senators pushing the indefinite detention proposal have made their
goals very clear that they want an okay for a worldwide military
battlefield, that even extends to your hometown. That is an extreme
position that will forever change our country."

Here's their petition:


The Udall Amendment is discussed here:


 From Amnesty International:


"The result is so insidious that the Chairs of the Intelligence and
Judiciary Committees,  who are at the heart of every key issue in the
struggle against Al Qaeda, wrote an instant public response condemning
the deal."

(A petition)


Here's a statement from Human Rights First, an organization
I am unfamiliar with:


"Defense Authorization Bill Compromise Sparks Sharp Opposition"

"In the wake of yesterday’s announced Senate Armed Services Committee
defense authorization compromise, Human Rights First is praising the
Obama Administration and Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Dianne
Feinstein (D-CA) for their forceful opposition to the proposal that
would undermine national security and the rule of law."

"Among other things, the defense bill would let the government imprison
people without proof, indefinitely, merely on suspicion of criminality.
Moreover, the bill would potentially eviscerate the crucial role of the
FBI and local law enforcement in domestic counterterrorism operations by
mandating military custody for a large category of terrorism suspects."


Here's a statement from antiwar.com, a website I am not
familiar with:


"The original language, which a Senate panel approved in June, shifted
the responsibility for trying all terrorism suspects to the U.S.
military, as opposed to civilian courts. "


Other links:





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