[GPSCC-chat] Jill Stein articcles in progressive publications

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 17 13:43:34 PDT 2012

The July issue of *In These Times* has an article in which three
people are asked a few questions.  The article includes a
4" x 4" color photo of Jill Stein.

The cover of that issue mentions said article:  Green Party presidential
candidate Jill Stein debates strategy.


Next, The biweekly newspaper *The Progressive Populist* has an article 

  Third Parties Win by Losing

The author acknowledges the chances of winning but also notes that
you can make a difference even if you do not win the election.  She
also writes that the combination of ballot access in 21 states and the
access to matching funds makes the Green Party aserious contender.


Finally, the September issue of *The Progressive* magazine has an artist's
sketch of Jill Stein as its cover page and The Third-Party Dilemna as
its featured 3 page article that includes another sketch of Jill Stein.

Jill is featured - she gets first licks - but comments from Bill 
Fletcher Jr.,
Katha Pollitt, Chris Hedges, and Medea Benjamin that address the
issue to vote or not to vote for a third party candidate are included.


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