[GPSCC-chat] Fwd: Urgent letter from seven leading peace advocates

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 26 09:17:26 PDT 2012



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Urgent letter from seven leading peace advocates
Date: 	Tue, 26 Jun 2012 15:55:01 +0000
From: 	Medea Benjamin, Leah Bolger, Bruce Gagnon, Chris Hedges, George
Martin, David Swanson, Kevin Zeese <HQ at JillStein.org>
To: 	Gerald Grass <gerrygras at earthlink.net>



*FROM:* David Swanson, Medea Benjamin, Leah Bolger, Bruce Gagnon, Chris
Hedges, George Martin and Kevin Zeese

*/Dear Friends in the Peace Movement,/*

We can't afford to let this opportunity slip by. By taking action over
the next five days the peace community has a chance to inject a
compelling and courageous peace advocate into the 2012 presidential
campaign, to have a voice in the national debate over war, militarism,
and military spending.

You know what is going to happen if we leave this election up to the two
major party candidates. President Obama will defend his troop surges,
his excessive Pentagon budgets, his preparations for war with Iran,  his
escalation of the drone wars, his crackdowns on whistleblowers, his
indefinite detention policy, and his new role as manager of the White
House assassination list. Mitt Romney will not question these policies,
but will promise to pursue them with even more enthusiasm. In debates
and interviews, *the American people will have the Big Lie drilled into
their consciousness:* that our nation must accept escalating military
engagement and must visit worldwide violence against all who defy the
U.S. government.

Peace PartyJill Stein stands ready to challenge the Big Lie.
Stein, a physician from Massachusetts, who has been a national board
member of Physicians for Social Responsibility, has just won 29 state
primaries to secure the presidential nomination of the Green Party. *She
is putting some badly needed fundamentals for peace on the table:*

Cut the Pentagon budget by 50%. Halt the drone wars. Pardon the
whistleblowers. Restore our civil liberties. Make the Middle East a
nuclear-free zone. She is driving home the point that the Obama/Romney
fascination with war and violence is dangerous for our nation and the
world. We need to make sure she is heard.

Jill Stein is closing in on federal matching funds that would *double
the value of donations*
her campaign. Because she doesn't receive big checks from Pentagon
contractors and their lobbyists, public funding is essential to her
campaign. She needs to raise about $24,000 by midnight on June 30th so
that she can apply for matching funds.

That's not much money to ask of a national peace movement. We can do
it.* And the payoff for peace will be tremendous.*

*So we urge you do two things.* First, go to Jill Stein's website:

and make a generous donation
her campaign. Second, please forward this email to your friends and
networks. Forwarding this message is critically important.

Thank you for helping us open up a dialogue for peace.


David Swanson, author of/ War is a Crime/ and also of /Daybreak: Undoing
the Imperial President and Forming a More Perfect Union/

    Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK

    Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and senior fellow at
the Nation Institute

    Leah Bolger, retired naval commander and current president of
Veterans for Peace

    George Martin, three term national co-chair of United for Peace & 

    Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons &
Nuclear Power in Space.

    Kevin Zeese, executive director of Voters for Peace

        * organizational affiliations listed for identification purposes 

/*PS. While all donations are valuable, Jill Stein especially needs
donations from the following key states* to help her reach the required
$5000 per state threshold.  If you know anyone in these states, please
ask them to make a donation of up to $250:   AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, ME, MI,
MO, NC, NM, OH, OR, SC, TN and VA.  Read all the nitty gritty details
and updates here: http://www.jillstein.org/funding


/Please take an immediate step by making a donation:

Authorized and paid for by Jill Stein for President
PO Box 260217, Madison, WI 53726-0217
http://www.JillStein.org <http://www.JillStein.org%20>

Jill Stein for President ·
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